RCS develops powerful partnership and incentive programs where all parties win.
Our depth of cross-cultural knowledge and expertise enables us to help our clients identify partnerships that might initially seem surprising. But these partnerships deliver on client goals to expand awareness, build traffic and profits. For example, we brought an ikebana sensei together with an airport loyalty program to reach an exclusive group of high net worth clients. When we connected a credit card brand with a koala farm, brand loyalty and share of wallet increased.
For most people around the world, the American love of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches sounds weird. The Japanese love mochi and spicy cod roe pizza. Combinations that sound wrong in one culture can be delicious in another. The partners we bring together may seem odd to you at first—but the results keep our clients coming back for more.
Cross a border and things change—sounds obvious but it’s not always easy to see. RCS is expert in finding the differences that can make all the difference to the success of brands and agencies.
This can mean anything from developing a different strategy and creative to targeting a new audience, or utilizing unfamiliar media to help our clients succeed. Or it may just require fine-tuning and trans-creation of existing advertising and brand communications.
Sometimes we have even helped re-engineer our client’s business so that they can succeed in an unfamiliar landscape. Our expertise has helped to guide them in finding the right, and most efficient way ahead.
RCS offers a wide range of other services:
Partnership Development
Creative & Design
Market Research